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"I believe in citizens keeping more of what they earn. I have been warning citizens about government pension liabilities since 2012. While other municipalities have incurred more debt to pay their debt, I prevented that approach for Cochise County. I have also prevented property tax rate increases to pay for pension liability."
"The citizens of Cochise County know best how to utilize the resources of their own land. Like my constituents, I understand the limited resources Cochise County has in land and water, and continually fight for our County to maintain its sovereignty over these life-sustaining resources. I continue to fight the many federal and State agencies seeking to control that which belongs to us."
"I've fought for clean and fair elections since my appointment to the Sierra Vista City Council. Without honest and transparent campaigns and elections, freedom is a fairy tale written by the agenda of the elite few. I continue to fight for early efforts to inform the public on the short- and long-term scope of any project to be voted on, their dollar impact on taxpayers within Cochise County, and accurate ballot language. Most recently, I fought for issues of voting machine accreditation and vote accuracy, which is why I voted for an expanded hand count of ballots in 2022. I stood by my constituents and both State and federal Constitutions; and I voted my conscience in the midst of tremendous State and local opposition on the issue of election integrity."
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border security
"My 26 years as a U.S. Border Patrol agent and pilot in the sectors of El Paso, Spokane, San Diego, and Tucson gave me first-hand knowledge of the border cisis. I’m against open borders, and 'revolving door' immigration policies; and I defend the citizens of our County against the resulting drug trafficking and mounting crime by preventing people from crossing our border illegally. I’m against inflating apprehension statistics designed to mask increased illegal immigration."
"I generally believe each individual has the capacity to make his or her own health care decisions (parents know what is best for their children). In the face of Covid-19, I've witnessed the irrational, unscientific, and totalitarian responses from federal, State, and local bureaucracies and agencies that have had devestating impacts on citizens of all ages within Cochise County. I will resist excessive taxes for the construction of mergers of Cochise County health department, medical, judicial, and law enforcement. What is the "enforcement agency" for the health department that we read about in the Intergovernmental Agreements (IGAs)?
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safety & service
"I will advocate that you know what you're truly getting, that you get the best value for your safety and health County tax dollar. I respect the commitment and sacrifice shown daily by all Cochise County first responders. I acknowledge the need for a new County jail, but believe those proposing a new jail 'district' are responsible for explaining to the citizens of Cochise County the short- and long-term proposed plans, all funding sources, and the interest burden that will ultimately fall on all of us as taxpayers." Click here (at 38 minutes) to view the Regular Meeting when I requested the truth to be told about the cost per citizen in the ballot language. It affects the County's economy and the budets of citizens.
administration & governance
"I, Tom Crosby, do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution and laws of the State of Arizona, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and defend them against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of County Supervisor, according to the best of my ability, so help me God."